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From voices to choices: join the debate!

From voices to choices: join the debate!

How can we restore young people's confidence in democracy?

The forthcoming elections to the European Parliament will be a major test of democracy in Europe, and of citizens' confidence in it. Faced with an ever-increasing number of crises - climatic, economic and social - citizens, and particularly young people, feel they’re not being listened to by their political leaders and are increasingly disillusioned. Debating Europe, the citizen engagement unit of the think-tank Friends of Europe, interviewed 2024 European citizens on the eve of the June elections, to hear their fears, ideas and solutions for tomorrow's world.

  • How can we restore young citizens' trust in democracy?
  • Is it time for youth quotas in the EU and national parliaments?
  • How will young people get trustworthy information about who to vote?
  • As young people are very active online, how can we ensure they navigate the internet safely and use it as a source of reliable information and motivation for an informed voting choice? What role, if any, can artificial intelligence (AI) play in this process?

About Debating Europe, know that session is organised together with Debating Europe, the citizen engagement team of the Brussels-based think tank Friends of Europe. They offer young citizens like you the opportunity to connect, debate and make your voice heard to shape political decisions that affect your life! Follow them on social media and register on their website for other similar upcoming opportunities!

For their project ‘2024 Voices Citizens Speak Up!’, Debating Europe conducted focus groups and surveys with citizens (18-65+) in 7 EU member states, including Poland, on 4 main themes (climate change, economy/sustainable growth, security and democracy). They launched the report in the European Parliament on 27 February earlier this year and are now organising local events in all countries, to facilitate local exchanges on the findings of the report between citizens and policy makers.

Debate will be held in Polish.

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