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Lublin in another Erasmus+ Project

Lublin in another Erasmus+ Project

The project is implemented within the Erasmus+ programme and it is the City of Edinburgh, represented by the Edinburgh World Heritage Trust, that is the project leader. Apart from the City of Lublin, project partners include: ÉK Egyesület (Budapest, Hungary), DOCTUM (Granada, Spain), Riga School of Arts and Crafts (Riga, Latvia), SC TEKTUM ARHITECTURA & ARTA SRL (Cluj Napoca, Romania) and Digitális Legendárium Kft. (Budapest, Hungary).

The City of Lublin was invited to join the project in March 2015. The project aims to promote knowledge about historical monuments and heritage through the use of modern technology. It is focused on educational activities that combine the possibilities offered by new technologies with knowledge about culture and conservation of monuments. The idea of the project is to share experience and create a new complex and multidimensional partnership through joined efforts of various institutions and organisations dealing with management, conservation and promotion of cultural heritage, architecture, urban and spatial planning, etc. The project involves the cooperation of institutions responsible for protection and promotion of cultural heritage as well as for historical space management with high schools and universities (majors: architecture, urban planning, art history, etc.) in particular. The end product of the project will be a 3D model of Lublin in its various historical stages of spatial development.

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