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Roundabouts covered with flowers in the centre of Lublin

Roundabouts covered with flowers in the centre of Lublin

Plant compositions made of roses, berberis, thujas and spireas will appear on four roundabouts in Lublin. Introducing the greenery to roundabouts is the beginning of the project which will result in embellished lawns and street junctions in different parts of the city.


Decorative shrubs have appeared on Rondo Zrzeszenia Wolności i Niezależności (Jana Pawła-Filaretów) where 1281 berberis, spireas and weigelas have been planted as well as on Rondo Narodowych Sił Zbrojnych where 1704 roses and thujas have been planted.


Planting of decorative plant compositions is the next step in creating of attractive urban space which embellishes the city and encourages the residents of the city to spend their free time outdoor in an active way - says Krzysztof Żuk, Mayor of the City of Lublin.


Plants will appear also on Rondo Sportowców (Krochmalna-Młyńska-Stadionowa-Gazowa) where 365 spireas and berberis will be planted as well as on Rondo 27 Wołyńskiej Dywizji Piechoty (Smorawińskiego-Kompozytorów Polskich) where 1026 berberis, cinquefoils, weigelas will be planted. The students of the Institute of Landscape Architecture of the Catholic University of Lublin are the authors of the project.


Planting within the places shown by District Councils will be carried out until the end of November. It has been possible to plant over 60 deciduous trees and coniferous trees, 300 shrubs in the districts Kalinowszczyzna, Czechów Południowy, Wieniawa and Konstantynów thanks to the cooperation with the councils. The works are to be carried out in another districts Czuby Północne and Południowe, Zemborzyce, Wrotków and Felin where nearly 200 new deciduous and coniferous trees will be planted.


In addition, new trees will be planted on ul. Roztocze, on the greenbelt between ul. Jana Pawła II and ul. Filaretów as well as on ul. Smorawińskiego. Twenty six maples as well as 80 maples and bird cherries will be planted respectively in the former two localisations, whereas 70 birches will appear in the latter one.


Further planting of trees is intended to be carried out between the roads on ul. Szeligowskiego where 27 birches will be planted near the roundabout as well as on ul. Zygmunta Augusta where 11 birches will appear. Apart from that, 39 maples will be planted along the wall on ul. Cmentarna.


Planting of 46 trees and over 200 shrubs on ul. Narutowicza near the Music School is in progress for the time being. Sixteen trees and about 200 shrubs are being planted on the renovated square at the junction of ul. Głuska and ul. Wygodna.


Additional decorative planters with trees and shrubs, flower compositions and plant arrangements will appear in the city centre next year. Planning within the green lands located at another junctions is in progress. Plant arrangements will appear also at entry roads to Lublin coming from Warsaw and Zamość direction (al. Witosa), coming from Melgiew direction (ul. Małgiewska) from Przemyśl direction (ul. Abramowicka) in 2016.

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