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How do migrants living in Lublin perceive the city? What are their stories? How do they interpret Lublin's space? What are their first impressions and first steps in the city?

For the last few months we have been meeting with migrants living in Lublin to get to know our city one more time. We wanted to see Lublin from the perspecitve of people coming here from different parts of the world. Some stories vere surprising and funny others difficult and touching.

We want to invite you to the meeting summing up our project. The 11th of November is a perfect day to taka a look at changing Polisch society and add to an existing discourse a new perspective - a viewpoint of the new inhabitants of our country.

We start at 5p.m. with the frist screening of "Show Me Your Lublin" film. Later you will have an opportunity to talk with the film's characters and authors. At 6 p.m. we will present our new city walk from the series "Whispered Lublin". This time about... the main bus station in Lublin.

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