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Akademia Obywatelska

Akademia Obywatelska
Address: ul. Grodzka 34
Telephone: +48 815 325 867 w.35
Akademia Obywatelska Citizen Academy A group of people associated with the Grodzka Gate – NN Theatre Centre and affiliated with the Lublin-based Homo Faber Association. The Academy came into existence in 2004. It was set up with a view to organizing an alternative celebration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the historical event known as “Lubelski Lipiec ‘80” (Lublin, July 1980). The direct outcome of the initiative resulted in among others the inception of the citizen newspaper “Opornik” (“Resistor” – a punningly-titled periodical whose name refers both to a device having a designed resistance to the passage of an electric current as well as to counter-cultural and political resistance) and in the creation and execution of a nationwide project (See więcej). The Academy was the brainchild of [os=22]Tomasz Pietrasiewicz[/os]. The flagship activities of the Academy centred upon informal education in the fields of modern/present history, human rights, and multiculturalism. The Academy attempted to be actively involved in the present, reacting to the political events unfolding during its existence. For instance, a series of events and benefits for the sake of free Belarus and Tibet was carried out. The Academy and its projects finished at the end of 2008. More information is available at

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