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Kategoria instytucji: teatr
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The first Internet theatre in the world presents its plays both in the real life and in the virtual reality, allowing the audience to participate in creation of the sound and visual layer of the performances, thus exploring the interactive domain of the theatre. 16.000 internauts from around the world took part in the first showing of Paweł Passini’s “Requiem” took place on December 15th, 2007. The picture and stereo sound were received on all continents throughout the two hours of the transmission, thus setting a new beginning in the history of theatre. neTTheatre is not only a new, fascinating area of expression, but also a way of understanding theatre as a space of a real encounter in which the creation act happens openly, in the real time, before audience’s eyes. For this end the team develops the improvisations techniques concerning both the movement and gesture, as well as the textual layer. Actors/dancers frequently use “idiolects” – languages containing non-existent words and expressions – that create a unique, surprising and, at the same time, intimate space of the performances. The inspiration and starting point for the choreography are sequences of icons and codes preserved in the culture – from the Hebrew alphabet letters (“Wasted”, “Tehillim/Psalms”) up to the children of Stanisław Wyspiański (“Requiem”). neTTheatre is, most importantly, an attempt to create a new artistic language, one referring to modern forms of communication. A parallel, multi-level, unformatted transmission. It is also an effort to understand the condition of a human being at the beginning of the second millennium, consciously and unwittingly entangled into the maze of signs and communicates. For this reason breakthrough technologies, used for the first time on stage, appeared in the subsequent productions of the Theatre in the Web of Connections. These were, to mention just a few: human voice visualization device, interactive virtual dancer, stage text editor operated with the actor’s gesture and many other cyber-realistic devices created especially for the stage. The plays are accompanied by live electro-acoustic, improvised music, frequently using processed actor’s voices. The musical equipment, apart from the musical instruments, comprises of analogue and digital synthesizer – vocoders, theremin, Hammond keybord, samplers and sequencers, as well as applications created to meet the needs of the subsequent event. In 2009 the Theatre in the Web of Connections opened its activities in Lublin in the Centre for Culture and the Central Theatre. Thanks to the artistic circles’ and local authorities support it was possible to create an independent artistic and research centre aiming at development of techniques of implementation of new media on the performance arts’ field. Source:

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