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Opornik - Gazeta Obywatelska

Opornik - Gazeta Obywatelska
Kategoria instytucji: czasopismo
Address: Narutowicza 41/4a
Telephone: 516852676
'Opornik – Gazeta Obywatelska'* has been published from the end of March 2005 together with a series of meetings in the Crown Tribunal. Until the end of August 2005 thirteen issues of the newspaper were published, the last of which was devoted to the campaign ''. 'Opornik' took up the subjects of the Lublin July, THE Summer OF 1980 and 'Solidarity' in a new way. SOMETIMES in a mocking way, IT WOULD show the times of the Polish People's Republic and even DDR**, STILL moving THE readers to action. It GENERATED ideas for ACTIVITIES, inspired initiative and encouraged cooperation. We wrote about small, successful campaigns of enthusiasts who changed something in their environment, about people important to the idea of civil society, about Lublin art society of the 1970s and 1980s seen from the perspective of this day and age. We printed fragments of the Spoken History of people who remember or took part in important events, we presented profiles of people forming the resistance movement in the Polish People's Republic as well as those who fight for human rights in their countries – in Belarus, Turkmenistan, Russia. We wrote about issues that we consider important, issues WHICH WE SHOULD DISCUSS. Source:

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