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The place after the former synagogue complex

The place after the former synagogue complex
Address: Located at Al. Tysiąclecia, below the castle hill at the bottom of Baszta Żydowska (the Jewish Tower)
Place: Lublin
Post code: 20-121

The place after the former synagogue complex at Tysiąclecia Avenue is located below the castle hill at the foot of the Jewish Tower. The memorial plaque reminds us that before the war in this place stood the Great Synagogue, or rather a complex of houses of prayer. The plaque commemorates the place of the former synagogue complex, which included: the Great Synagogue called Maharshal, the Smaller Synagogue - Maharam, and the little Synagogue - Szywe Kryjem. In the 16th and 17th centuries, the first Lublin Yeshiva was operating here, founded by Rabbi Salomon Luria called Maharshal. At the beginning of 1942, in the synagogue was a gathering point for the ghetto inhabitants, from where they were transported to the extermination camps in Bełżec.

The synagogue complex was destroyed by the Nazis in 1943 during the liquidation of the ghetto.

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