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The House of Words – The Chamber of Printing

The House of Words – The Chamber of Printing
Address: ul. Żmigród 1
Place: Lublin
Post code: 20-110
Telephone: 81 534 52 33

The House of Words was created upon the foundation of the Chamber of Printing, which has operated at Zmigrod 1 St. since 2008. The programme of the House of Words aims to underline the meaning of spoken and printed word in a cultural and social context. This also covers the importance of “free speech” in the processes of social and political change. Other than events aiming to popularise the traditional book manufacture process (print, graphic design, typography), the House of Words hosts events and projects that promote reading and literacy.

In the House of Words there are both the permanent and temporary exhibitions. By visiting this place you can discover the look and function of a traditional typographic printing press or paper manufacture, what was entailed in the work of a typesetter, printer or bookbinder, and discover the history of the “Popularna” printing house, which existed here in the 1930s. They run the workshops during which the participants can learn papermaking, typeset, practice calligraphy or operate a printing press. Additionally, visitors have the opportunity of touring the exhibition dedicated to Józef Łobodowski, the patron of this place.

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