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Dream about the City: last performances!

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Dream about the City: last performances!

4, 5, 10, 11th of August, 9 p.m.

Lublin Castle courtyard

director: Janusz Opryński

A young couple: her – an aerial silk dancer, him – a slackliner, accompanied by the magicians and other circus artists presenting dramas and falls, revivals and moments of great happiness from our city’s past.

The performance is set against the spectacular set design by Jarosław Koziara with his mystical, massive sun and the music by a Lublin’s composer, Rafał Rozmus. Zbigniew Dziduch is reading the historical text, and Dorota Landowska is reciting excerpts of “A Poem About Lublin” by Józef Czechowicz.

Paweł Franczak, Kurier Lubelski:

The first, enthusiastically received presentation of “Dream about the City” took place in Wrocław, in the frame of the European Capital of Culture in 2016; it was reprised as a part of the celebration of the Anniversary of the City of Lublin in 2017. This year, presentations of “Dream about the City” will take place as part of the celebrations of Lublin 1918-2018. Inspired by freedom.

script and directory: Janusz Opryński

scenography: Jarosław Koziara

costumes: Monika Nyckowska

music: Rafał Rozmus

a Couple: Paulina Zarębska, Jakub Przybył

produced by: Barbara Sawicka

Historical text by Michał Miłosz Zieliński reading by Zbigniew Dziduch.
Excerpts of “Poem about Lublin” by Józef Czechowicz reciting by Dorota Landowska.

Ticket price:
2 zł
Ticket office opening hours:
Monday - Friday 12.00-17.00 and one hour before each event
tel.: 81 466 61 40

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