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Jagiellonian Fair, August 16-18

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Jagiellonian Fair, August 16-18

The Jagiellonian Fair is a celebration of folk and traditional culture. The audience discovers their past and modern manifestations through music, dance, song, entertainment, exhibitions, workshop and activities scattered across the city space.

We invite all citizens to the Lublin Old Town on 16-18 August.

The Jagiellonian Fair is an extremely colourful event. At that time, the city is bursting with amazing energy coming from people from many European countries. Artists, folk artists and craftsmen from Poland, Ukraine, Slovakia, Belarus, Lithuania and Hungary are invited to the festival.

Re:tradition with Dorota and Henryk Miskiewicz, with Katarzyna Groniec

The fair programme gives priority to the development of close relations between artists and audiences as well as arousing curiosity and openness to discover new cultures. One of the most important items on the festival agenda is the re:tradition concert which brings together modern and early traditional music performers to put on a show creating a completely new musical quality.

Apiculture is the theme of this year's edition

The four-day workshop will cover issues related to the establishment of an apiary, bee breeding, construction of particular types of hives.

Celebration of the 450th anniversary of the Union of Lublin

On the occasion of the 450th anniversary of the Union of Lublin, the programme features points related to traditional Lithuanian culture. Various music groups and craftsmen will come to us from Lithuania.

An unusual place during the festival called the Fair Playground awaits for families with children. The space conceals many traditional games and folk toys.

Let’s meet in Lublin and discover all the shades of tradition. Let’s explore the beautiful part of it.

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