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“This is Poland” exhibition

“This is Poland” exhibition
Start date 2009-03-20
Start time 00:00
Ending date 2009-04-10

This is the title of the task carried out in Pracownia Fotografii by the students of the Fine Arts Institute at the Art Department. It is also the title of the exhibition of the photos depicting Polish reality from different perspectives and presenting its in various dimensions. Poland is the country of colorful landscapes and grey projects, skyrocketing consumerism and everyday poverty, friendship and intolerance. The photographers portray Poland from historical and contemporary perspective and often use parody and humor. Their “portraits” are real and made-up, and they are placed on this translucent line separating art and reality. The curator of the exhibition is Irena Nawrot-Trzcińska.

Anna Nawrot-Gryka
tel.: 081 53 603 25

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