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The Song of Roland - Premiere

The Song of Roland - Premiere
Start date 2009-04-04
Start time 19:00
Location Teatr im. Hansa Christiana Andersena, ul. Dominikańska 1

The Song of Roland is a performance based on a medieval legend about Charles the Great and his courageous knight Roland. This story, together with the Knights of the Round Table and The Legend of Tristan and Iseult, belongs one of the most popular tales of that time. The performance covers only one theme present in the Song – the fortunes of Charles the Great and his Knights during the conquest of Spain.

The Song of Roland is a difficult text, almost impossible to be staged. The author believes that only a puppet show, the theatre of animation, can cope with it, and at the same time deal with the pathos of Roland’s history and deeds.

Direction: Daniel Arbaczewski

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