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Extermination of Polish Elites. A.B. Action exhibition - opening

Extermination of Polish Elites. A.B. Action exhibition - opening
Start date 2009-06-10
Start time 10:00
Location Filia nr 9 Miejskiej Biblioteki Publicznej im. Hieronima Łopacińskiego, Krańcowa 106

The exhibition consists of three parts.

The first part entitled “Towards the Crime” focuses on preparations for war and Soviet and German aggression against Poland. It also informs about occupation politics and cooperation of the occupiers.

The second part, “Genocide,” is divided into four parts. First of them focuses on the Katyń massacre – executions of Polish officers, the second - Außerordentliche Befriedungsaktion on the first exterminations in the fall of 1939 and deportation of Poles to concentration camps. The third part presents examples of crimes committed by Nazis and Soviets; the fourth part sketches the genocide’s balance.

Part three, “The Aftermath of Crime” summarizes the prosecution of war criminals responsible for the A.B. Action. It also presents the “Katyń Lie” phenomenon and the process of its overcoming in Poland.

Each of the charts contains introductions, source documents (facsimiles and transcripts) and visuals. The exhibition is completed by specially prepared maps.

The exhibition is made available by the Lublin Branch of The Institute of National Remembrance.

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