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Compagnie Drift, Switzerland - “au bleu cochon”

Compagnie Drift, Switzerland - “au bleu cochon”
Start date 2009-11-13
Start time 20:00

Compagnie Drift, Switzerland - “au bleu cochon”
artistic director and choregraphy: Béatrice Jaccard, Peter Schelling
dance and cooperation: Thomas Maucher, Mónica Muñoz Marin, Judith Rohrbach, József Trefeli, Marco Volta, Viacheslav Zoubkov
dramatics: Béatrice Jaccard
music: François Gendre, Massimo Bertinelli
video: Jaccard/Schelling with company & Budlana Baldanova
set design: Peter Schelling, Ronald Dörfler
lights: François Gendre
costumes: Daphné Ineichen
masks: Sylvia Tommasi
production and management: Beatrice Rossi
runtime: 60 min

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