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"Oczekiwanie na muzykę" and "Rykowiska" by Marek Leszczyński - opening of the exhibition

"Oczekiwanie na muzykę" and "Rykowiska" by Marek Leszczyński - opening of the exhibition
Start date 2010-04-08
Start time 18:00
Location Galeria "Gardzienice", ul. Grodzka 5a

"Oczekiwanie na muzykę/Awaiting Music" and "Rykowiska/Rutting Areas"

The artist was born in Radzyń Podlaski and his works bear resemblance to works by Jerzy Nowosielski, and Amadeo Modigliani. His works depict ephemeral Muses. The paintings belong to figurative art and display lyrical, ideal, erotic and stylistic elements but the artists deals also with secular subjects. His paintings have portrayed the same woman for many years.

Curator: Zuzanna Zubek

The exhibition will be open till April 27, Mon - Fri from 10.00 to 6.00.

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