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”Spinning-wheel” by Anna Chabros. Exhibition

”Spinning-wheel” by Anna Chabros. Exhibition
Start date 2012-12-14
Start time 00:00
Ending date 2013-01-11
Location Galeria Biała, ul. Peowiaków 12

Young Forum of Art at Biała Gallery presents “Spinning Wheel” by Anna Chabros.
“Spinning wheel” is a five-minute stop motion animation. Inspired by everyday life, the film is imbued with symbols and allegories. The scale model of the town where the action of the film is set is presented on an accompanying exhibition.

Anna Chabros was born in Puławy, Poland. In 2012 she graduated from the Art Department of UMCS, Lublin, majoring in graphic arts. During her studies she took part in a number of exhibitions and festivals: “No Budget Show” at MOCAK in Cracow, The International Film and Art Festival “Two Riversides” in Kazimierz Dolny, Se-Ma-For Film Festival, The International Animation Festival in Łódź, In Out Festival at Łaznia Centre for Contemporary Art in Gdańsk, “Ufofabrik” Contemporary Art Gallery, “Mittleeuropa Prox Torino” in Torino, Italy and 1st Festival of Intriguing Films in Gorzów Wielkopolski.

Opening hours: Mon-Fri 11.00-17.00, Sat 12.00-16.00
(Translation: Barbara Bartnik)

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