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Atrofi Theatre "Mr Satie" - performance

Atrofi Theatre "Mr Satie" - performance
Start date 2013-04-14
Start time 17:30

Teatr Stary in Lublin presents a performance which combines theatre and music for children aged one to five.

After a very warm reception of their performance of "Trąbibombi Elephant”, Atrofi Theatre
returns to Lublin with their new show. Who is Mr Satie? Sound, rhythm. Mr Satie is Music. Paper-made stage scenery is the background for images inspired by Erik Satie’s music. Products of child’s imagination are combined with the sound of prepared piano. The show had its premiere in December 2010.
Tickets: 30 PLN (tickets are intended for children – minders’ admission is free of charge. Please note that only one minder may accompany a child on the stage; another minder is requested to take a seat in the auditorium).
Tickets available only at the Theatre ticket box.

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