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Performative reading of drama: “Licheń Story”

Performative reading of drama: “Licheń Story”
Start date 2013-06-08
Start time 23:00
Location Teatr im. Juliusza Osterwy, ul. Gabriela Narutowicza 17

As a part of the second edition of a project entitled “The Grand Duchy of Drama” whose main goal is to present the Lublin audience annually to the most recent plays from Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania and Belarus, the actors of the Juliusz Osterwa Theatre will engage the viewers in performative reading of the “Licheń Story”. The event will be supervised by director Rafał Sabura.

"Licheń story" by Jarosław Jakubowski shows lives of a dozen or so characters associated with the Licheń sanctuary. In his play, Jakubowski manages to avoid trite half-hearted religiousness as well as crude mockery of popular piety. In an inevident way, he poses questions concerning faith but not about general nature of it but rather about the role of religious experiences in particular, common although more often than not, complicated human lives.

The reading at the Night of Culture will be accompanied by a meeting with the author followed by a discussion on the matter.

Jarosław Jakubowski is a prizewinning playwright; the author of a well-known ‘General’, drama based on the life of Wojciech Jaruzelski and staged at the IMKA Theatre in Warsaw, and awarded a special mention at the National Competition for Staging Polish Contemporary Play in 2012.

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