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Cycle of debates and discussions entitled „Granice Europy (Borders of Europe)"

Cycle of debates and discussions entitled „Granice Europy (Borders of Europe)"
Start date 2013-07-05
Start time 17:00
Location Bazylika Drzewa Krzyża Świętego i klasztor oo. Dominikanów w Lublinie, ul. Złota 9
Kategoria Koncert

Cycle of debates and discussions entitled „Granice Europy (Borders of Europe)" referring to a current question about European identity. From Friday to Sunday (5th-7th July) in the cloister of the Dominican Monastery the meetings of artists, journalists and public figures will take place, where they will talk about significant events in the world of art and social sciences. The meetings will be hosted by Tomasz Dostatni OP.

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