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Green Blanket
Start date 2013-08-02
Start time 11:00

Kapela Braci Dziobaków (The Dziobak Brothers Band) from Wola Destymflandzka.

The band will be playing traditional Polish folk music and leading dancing parties for children and adults. The Dziobak Brothers Band plays traditional folk dance music form the Lublin region and the area of Central Poland. They will present old, traditional games and plays accompanied by music violin, drums and basolia performances.

Workshops: making Żdanica dolls – run by Kasia Dorota.

At the workshops fabric leftovers and old useless clothes are being used. Żadanica, a traditional Belarusian doll is believed to make wishes come true and to bring luck on the condition that we learn a few basic rules about making it. In Belarusian tradition there are many kinds of dolls. Some of them are intended for housewives, others for newlyweds, expectant mothers or travelers. Whether or not you believe in magic, participation in the workshops will bring you a lot of fun. (You can even bring a piece of your favourite fabric or an old garment!)

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