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Presentation: "Japanese Nō Theatre. The Basics."

Presentation: "Japanese Nō Theatre. The Basics."
Start date 2014-05-16
Start time 17:00

Presentation: "Japanese Nō Theatre. The Basics."

Led by: Han Itsutsu Theatre.

Translation: dr Jakub Karpoluk and Yoko Fujii-Karpoluk

free admission

Five-day tickets – standard: 150zł, concession: 100zł
Day tickets – standard: 45zł, concession: 30zł
Film screening, workshops, presentation, dance nights - free admission

Box office/booking:
Centrum Kultury w Lublinie
Centre for Cutlure in Lublin
ul. Peowiaków 12, 20-007 Lublin
The box office is open Monday to Friday, 10 am - 7 pm.

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