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Miasto Movie in the Summer - "The Reader"

Miasto Movie in the Summer - "The Reader"
Start date 2014-07-16
Start time 21:30
Kategoria Cycle

This superb adaptation of Bernhard Shlink’s novel is one of the film highlights of 2008. Awarded an Oscar for her performance in “The Reader”, Kate Winslet plays Hanna, a woman who falls in love with Michael, a law student who is much younger than her. Their love story unfolds against the backdrop of crisis-stricken post-war Germany. Years go by and, to his surprise and disbelief, mature Michael (Ralph Fiennes) recognizes Hanna in court, accused of a World War II crime…

Interestingly, quite a number of shots was filmed in Lublin – on the premises of the State Museum at Majdanek.

The screening will be preceded by an introduction by historian Wojciech Lenarczyk (State Museum at Majdanek)

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