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Miasto Movie in the Summertime - Falling Down (Upadek)

Miasto Movie in the Summertime - Falling Down (Upadek)
Start date 2014-08-27
Start time 21:00
Kategoria Cycle

"Falling Down" („Upadek”), directed by Joel Schumacher, 1993.

Original audio with Polish subtitles.

Free admission.

"Falling Down" („Upadek”) – Joel Schumacher is noted in Hollywood for his versatility; he is a reliable craftsman capable of delivering a film steeped in the conventions of ant genre imaginable – be it a serious drama, an action-packed bubblegum flick or a children’s fairy-tale. “Falling Down” (1993) is a rare case of a film that defies expectations and evades any easy classification. It is a gripping and poignant story of William “D-Fens” Foster (Michael Douglas’ masterful performance), an apparent everyman who just cannot take it anymore and decides to go on a righteous rampage, stamping out any act of injustice happening in the city. The only person able to stop him – and perhaps bring him back to his senses – is Martin Prendergast (Robert Duvall), a police inspector with just a day’s worth of work before retirement.

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