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Showcase: No Potatoes

Showcase: No Potatoes
Start date 2014-08-21
Start time 20:00
Location Most im. inż. Mariana Lutosławskiego
Kategoria Event

The No Potatoes Group invites all to participate in their brand of improvised theatre.

Laughter causes the secretion of endorphin, the hormones of happiness. Laughter makes women more beautiful and men more handsome. Laughter is a splendid way of finishing a long working day and starting a festive evening.

A series of a dozen or so games and improvised – often SUNG out loud! – scenes, the themes of which are dependent on the suggestions and demands of the audience. Without access to props, with no scenography in place, and most importantly with no script whatsoever the No Potatoes Group will try to respond to the hidden desires of the viewers, taking them to far-away locations, to distant spaces, situations, relations – all by narrating tales with a help of diverse forms of improvised theatre.
Hosted and conducted by: Przemysław Buksiński, a recipient of numerous awards and a graduate of Jagiellonian University’s Cultural Animation Faculty. Actor of the Lublin-based InVitro Theatre as well as the Hans Christian Andersen Theatre in Lublin. University lecturer, teacher of improvisation techniques, and founder of the No Potatoes improvised theatre group. In short, a Renaissance man living in the twenty-first century.
Free admission

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