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Miasto movie - "Owning Mahowny" ("Hazardzista")

Miasto movie - "Owning Mahowny" ("Hazardzista")
Start date 2014-11-26
Start time 19:00
Location Warsztaty Kultury, ul. Grodzka 5A
Kategoria Cycle

"Owning Mahowny" ("Hazardzista"), dir. Richard Kwietniowski, running time: 104’, 2003.

"Owning Mahowny" ("Hazardzista") – a chilling and engaging story about addiction, gambling and split personality. Philip Seymour Hoffman plays the role Dan Mahowny, an ambitious bank clerk, in a film that is based on facts that shocked Canada more than a decade ago.

Original audio with Polish subtitles.
Free admission.

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