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"The Magical World of Bohumil Hrabal" („Magiczny świat Bohumila Hrabala”): The Opening of the Exhibition

"The Magical World of Bohumil Hrabal" („Magiczny świat Bohumila Hrabala”): The Opening of the Exhibition
Start date 2014-12-11
Start time 08:30
Location Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna im. Hieronima Łopacińskiego, ul. Peowiaków 12

The Municipal Public Library in Lublin and the Czech Centre invite all to attend the The Opening of the Exhibition entitled "The Magical World of Bohumil Hrabal" („Magiczny świat Bohumila Hrabala”). Organised as a part of the Year of Bohumil Hrabal, the exhibition showcases the photography of Ladislav Michálek – the friend and personal photographer of the Czech writer.

The photos of Michálek are characterised by tension and complexity. The artist photographed the process of the gradual change of Libnia, the district immortalised by Hrabal in his stories - alleys, nooks and crannies, little restaurants, houses, yards, workshops ...

OKNA Gallery, 1st floor (the corridor of the Library)

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