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Jerzy Wasowski – Szarp pan bas – premiere

Jerzy Wasowski – Szarp pan bas – premiere
Start date 2015-09-19
Start time 19:00
Location Teatr im. Juliusza Osterwy, ul. Gabriela Narutowicza 17

Musical Cabaret. Songs by Jerzy Wasowski; written and directed by: Ewa Konstancja Bułhak; Stage designs, costumes: Jan Kozikowski; music director: Jakub Lubowicz; choreography: Weronika Pelczyńska; vocal coach: Gabriel Menet

Musical journey into the world of songs written by Jerzy Wasowski. Ewa Konstancja Bułhak presents the audience with his less known works and changes the dynamics of the show with fragments of the Kabaret Starszych Panów (the legendary Polish Elderly Gentlemen's Cabaret) programme. The three artists onstage will take the audience onto a journey into the world of songs filled with lyricism and humour and create the atmosphere of a music performance from the 1950s.

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