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Cabaret Show Television Lies

Cabaret Show Television Lies
Start date 2018-11-16
Start time 19:00
Location Centrum Kongresowe Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego w Lublinie, ul. Akademicka 15
Participation paid
Cost of participation 85 PLN

Television Lies – a cabaret show directed by Michał Paszczyk (Paranienormalni Cabaret).  

The naked truth about television lies with a superb cast: 

  • Tamara Arciuch as Małgosia Różenek,
  • Bartek Opania as Krzysztof Zniemiec,
  • Adam Fidusiewicz as Marcin Prochop,
  • Bartek Kasprzykowski as Krzysztof Wybisz
  • and the audience as the viewer who can choose which TV station they want to watch in the show: TVP, TVN, Polsat or TV Trwam. The show’s author, Michał Paszczyk of the Paranienormalni cabaret, guarantees you will cry…laughing! 


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