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Florian Zeller – The Truth

Florian Zeller – The Truth
Start date 2019-03-30
Start time 19:00
Location Teatr im. Juliusza Osterwy, ul. Narutowicza 17, Lublin
Organizer Teatr im. Juliusza Osterwy w Lublinie
Participation paid

Zeller is a young and extremely talented French playwright, one of the hottest names in contemporary French literature. "The Truth" shows how often our moral attitudes depend on our own interest. We all know the benefit of concealing the truth and the trouble resulting from revealing it ... Can a relationship without lies survive? After all, as one of the characters in the play says, "if people suddenly stopped lying to each other, there would not be a single couple left on earth." Florian Zeller’s witty story is about the problem of putting on masks. It exposes human nature and poses questions about how honest we are in love, and whether we are really able to talk about it honestly?

Written by: Florian Zeller 
Original title: La Vérité 
Translated by: Barbara Grzegorzewska 
Production & Music Direction: Paweł Aigner 
Stage Design & Costumes: Barbara Wołosiuk 

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