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Symphonica 2 Rock of Poland

Symphonica 2 Rock of Poland
Start date 2018-11-19
Start time 19:00
Location Filharmonia Lubelska im. Henryka Wieniawskiego
Participation paid
Cost of participation PLN 149, 129, 89

Following the success of Symphonica, Futura Philharmonic has prepared Part 2 of the project. This time, the concert program will exclusively consist of Polish cult pieces from the 1980s when rock, punk and metal were flourishing. It is therefore worth bringing back the most important productions of that period. For some, it will be a sentimental journey back to their youth, for others – an introduction to Polish music, says Mikołaj Blajda.

The show features artists such as Małgorzata Ostrowska (ex Lombard), Damian Ukeje, Łukasz Łyczkowski and Sylwia Lorens, who will be accompanied by a band and Futura Philharmonic Orchestra. Visualizations will recreate the atmosphere of those years. The show will be an amazing return to the times of the Polish People’s Republic via hard, alternative and rebellious Polish music.

Participant artists: Małgorzata Ostrowska, Łukasz Łyczkowski, Sylwia Lorens, Damian Ukeje and Futura Philharmonic Orchestra
Written, directed and arranged by: Mikołaj Blajda
Produced by: Sylwia Lorens


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