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Lublin Coronavirus Update, May 26

Lublin Coronavirus Update, May 26

COVID-19 Update:

  • 445 new cases reported in Poland
  • 3 new cases in Lublin Region
  • 22 074 people infected in total
  • 1024 deaths in total

Useful information:

The direct customer service in Lublin Municipal Office has been restored

The direct customer service in the Lublin Municipal Office has been partially restored from Monday (May 25). The customer service is carried out by a prior appointment by phone, electronically or through the appointment booking system. The maximum permissible number of customers staying at the same time in one room may not be more than 1 person per one service stand.

Direct customer service for residents will be implemented primarily by:

  • Resident’s Affairs Offices located at: Wieniawska 14, Filaretów 44, Franciszka Kleeberga 12A, Szaserów 13-15 streets - between 7.45-15.15.
  • Civil Registry Office, at Spokojna 2, street in matters of: preparing a death certificate in room 287 (second floor) from Monday to Friday between 7.30-15.30 and on Saturday between 8.00-14.00 and notification of the child's birth in room 284 (second floor) from Monday to Friday between 7.30-15.30,
  • Communication Department at Czechowska 19A, street from Monday to Friday between 7.45-14.30;
  • Administrative Affairs Department: regarding the collection of an ID card - at the Office's seat at Leszczyńskiego 20, street in room No. 5 (ground floor) from Monday to Friday between 7.30-15.30, regarding business activity records - at Spokojna 2, street in room No. 253 (second floor) from Monday to Friday between 7.30 - 15.30.

In the Civil Registry Office and the Resident’s Affairs Offices (also in the service room at Wieniawska 14, street), customers will be served without a prior appointment. Due to the need to ensure safety, an allowed number of customers will stay in the service rooms at BOM: Wieniawska street - 18 customers, Filaretów street - 6 customers, Szaserów street - 5 customers, Kleeberga street - 5 customers. The number of people will be monitored on an ongoing basis.

In the Communication Department on Monday and Tuesday (25-26 May), due to the central failure of the Q-Matic system, customer service will be carried out after a prior booking of the visit by phone, whereas from Wednesday (27 May) traditionally - using the queue system.

In the Administrative Affairs Department, service in the field of business activity records will first be made after a prior telephone booking of the visit, unsolicited customers will be served next. Issue of ID cards at the Office's seat at Leszczyńskiego 20, street will take place on a regular basis.

In the case of matters dealt with by other departments or organisational units of the Municipal Office, when personal appearance of the client will be necessary, for organisational reasons and out of concern for safety, please arrange a visit by phone in advance.

Due to the difficulty of maintaining sanitary requirements and adequate distances, Resident’s Affairs Offices located in post offices will not be open. BOMs (Resident’s Affair Offices) are open in 4 locations indicated above.

We remind you that in the state of epidemics, the safest way to settle matters is by electronic means or via a postal operator.

In 9 locations of the Lublin Municipal Office, special containers still remain where the documents can be left in sealed envelopes. In the case of payments, we remind you to use the PLIP Information and Payment Platform.

A series of videoconferences on solutions prepared for entrepreneurs as part of the Anti-Crisis Shield

We invite you to a series of educational video conferences on solutions prepared for entrepreneurs as a part of the Anti-Crisis Shield. During the conference, experts in the field of labor law, finance, taxes, economics, social security and public procurement will talk about changes and answer participants' questions. Conferences are held in Polish. It is possible to watch with subtitles and a sign language interpreter. No prior registration is required. Participation in conferences is free. The opportunity to participate in the conference, as well as to obtain additional information is available here

Online chess tournaments for everyone

We would like to invite you to participate in open on-line chess tournaments. Just create a free account and play chess together. To become a participant in the tournament, please register here, work out and join the game!


  • 26.05.2020 - Tuesday 18.00-20.00 7 minutes + 5 secondes

link to registration for the tournament at 18.00

  • 26.05.2020 - Tuesday 20.30-21.30

link to registration for the tournament at.20.30

  • 27.05.2020 - Wednesday 18.00-20.00 3 minutes per game

link to registration for the tournament at 18.00

  • 28.05.2020 - Thursday 18.30-20.30 6 minutes + 3 seconds

link to registration for the tournament at.18.30.



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