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Visiting Lublin in November

Visiting Lublin in November

The route commences at Roman Catholic cemetery at Lipowa street. Subsequently, it leads to post- Birgittine Church where burial vaults are open to the public. The visitors may also see post-Jesuit and bishop vaults in the Cathedral. Moreover, the route takes you to see places like the former cemetery at Hospital of the Holy Spirit, tombstones in the Dominican Church, po Farze Square as well as the hospital – church complex of buildings of St. Wojciech and St. Lazarus. The route finishes at the Church of Saint Nicholas in the place where a cemetery in the Czwartek district used to function. The route would take around four hours to complete. The offer is targeted to suite predominantly organized groups especially groups of school students. Further information can be obtained from the Tourist Service Centre “Via Jagiellonica” at Skłodowskiej 3/15 street, tel. (81) 441-11-18.

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