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Scenes from Shakespeare in English Festival

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Scenes from Shakespeare in English Festival

Scenes from Shakespeare in English Festival has been held at the same time (the last weekend of February) and at the same place (Sala Nowa – New Room at the Centre for Culture) since 1999.
It was organized for the first time to celebrate the 400th anniversary of The Globe Theatre foundation in London in 1599, where Shakespeare was the owner, writer and actor. There two main aspects of the Festival: educational and artistic. It is to encourage young people to read Shakespeare and to teach them how to work on his texts to perform them on stage. Each scene lasts from 5 to 20 minutes and can be in a form of a monologue, dialogue or group performance. Every year two Grand Prix winners fly to London during the summer holidays, stay for one week with an English family, go to Stratford-upon-Avon for one day trip to see Shakespeare’s Birthplace and his play at the Royal Shakespeare Company Theatre. They also go to see another play at The Globe Theatre in London. Venue: Centre for Culture, 12 Peowiaków St, Lublin Organizers: Mr. Jerzy Wrzos SOBIESKI School of Foreign Languages Jan III Sobieski Secondary School in Lublin

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