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"The Two Who Stole the Moon"

"The Two Who Stole the Moon"
Start date 2009-02-06
Start time 11:00

Musical for children

Twin brothers, Jacek and Placek, are the town's troublemakers. They're lazy, greedy and also cruel. They despise hard work, so they cook up a plan to make easy money that would make them rich for the rest of their lives: steal the moon and sell it. They set on a journey to find a place where the moon would be low enough for them to steal. Before they leave, they take the last loaf of bread from their poor hardworking mother. After numerous adventures the boys manage to catch the moon in a fishing net. But it is only the beginning of their troubles...

Adaptation: Jerzy Turowicz
Music: Janusz Baca
Director: Jerzy Turowicz
Choreography: Henryk Rutkowski
Stage design: Ireneusz Salwa


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