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„Little cinema at the crossroad” - films by Marek Włodzimirow

„Little cinema at the crossroad” - films by Marek Włodzimirow
Start date 2009-03-25
Start time 18:00

Films by Marek Włodzimirow – free showing

„Szeptuchy” (Whispers) v.1 and v.2
33 min

This project consists of 2 documents created to show the mix of religion, old Slavic ceremonials, demonology and superstitions which are practised in the Podlaskie region. The films are a document on archaic ways of curing with prayers, spell-casting rituals and the beauty of the region's nature.

Evil ghosts, don't wake the man, don't break bones, don't dry his blood, don't touch his veins.
Remove the lichens, psoriasis, spots, tumours from the veins, body, bones, blood, eyes, feet, arms, ureter, reproductive system..

"Rudaki” (Rudaki – village in the Podlaskie region)
12 min.

Document about a depopulating village located in the Podlaskie region near the Polish border with Belarus. Time there is counted from sunrise to sunset. Several inhabitants of a once vibrant with life settlement are coming to the end of thier lives.

"Dziwadło" (Wierdo)
9 min.

Document on a monkey search in the forests of Podlaskie region. A story with a pich of salt. Countryside concerns presented in a grotesque way. The film shows the local colour of people.

8 min.

A social experimental document about the knowledge that the Germans and Poles have about each other.

"Ukraina" (Ukraine)
2 min.

A short film to a poem.

"So Full ..."
5 min.

The beauty of nature with a priest in the backround.

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