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Vandermark Resonance Project - concert

Vandermark Resonance Project - concert
Start date 2009-10-25
Start time 19:00
Kategoria Koncert

Ken Vandermark (USA): tenor & baritone saxes, clarinet
Magnus Broo (Szwecja): trumpet
Tim Daisy (USA): drums
Per-Ake Holmlander (Swecja): tuba
Dave Rempis (USA): tenor& alto saxes
Steve Swell ( USA): trombone
Mark Tokar (Ukraina): bass
Mikołaj Trzaska (Polska): alto sax, bass clarinet
Michael Zerang (USA): drums, percussion
Wacław Zimpel (Polska): clarinet, bass clarinet

Ken Vandermark is one of the most important contemporary jazz musician.

Tickets: : 40 zł available at the box office (Center for Culture, Chatka Żaka) an hour before the concert.

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