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"The Snow Queen" – the play

"The Snow Queen" – the play
Start date 2013-03-14
Start time 09:30
Location Teatr im. Hansa Christiana Andersena, ul. Dominikańska 1

Direction, Choreography: Katarzyna Aleksander - Kmieć
Scenography: Anna Chadaj
Music: René Aubry (France)
Assistant Director: Urszula Pietrzak
Video projector: Ewa Łuczak
Characterization: Monika Polak- Luścińska
In the video projections were used archival material by Tadeusz Boulangé

Gerda - Ewelina Drzał
The Snow Queen - Katarzyna Aleksander -Kmieć (projekcje)
Gardener - Bożena Dragun
Princess - Urszula Pietrzak
Prince - Mateusz Kaliński
Robber - Dominika Mrozowska
Lapp woman - Ilona Zgiet
- Roma Drozdówna
- Wioletta Tomica
- Maria Wąsiel
- Daniel Arbaczewski,
- Konrad Biel
- Jacek Dragun
- Piotr Gajos
- Bartosz Siwek

The H. Ch. Andersen Theatre in Lublin once again planned on its stage the premiere of the species "movement theater" for the youngest viewers. The first such premiere - "Beauty and the Beast" - was established three years ago and now "The Snow Queen" enters the repertoire.

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