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“Enchanted Lublin”: children’s workshop

“Enchanted Lublin”: children’s workshop
Start date 2013-06-21
Start time 10:00

wo competitions (jigsaw puzzle time trial and competition for the most interesting story of Enchanted Lublin) for children participating in the workshops on the region’s intangible cultural heritage, using a series of large-sized puzzles depicting legends associated with the location of the Lublin Underground Route (the story of the Devil’s Hand and the Dream of Prince Leszek the Black) as well as traditional beliefs concerning animals.
The winners of the competitions will receive small-sized puzzles containing all image sequences prepared based on the large-sized puzzle. Each participant of the project will receive a thank-you gift: a small-sized puzzle with the chosen image. The jigsaw puzzles will be presented in the Old Town Market Square from 12:00 to 18:00 until Sunday, and in the holiday period also at the Lublin Airport.

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