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Concert: Martin Küchen's 9 Angles

Concert: Martin Küchen's 9 Angles
Start date 2013-12-05
Start time 19:00
Kategoria Koncert

Martin Küchen's 9 Angles (SWE/NOR)

Goran Kajfes – trumpet
Magnus Broo – trumpet
Eirik Hegdal – baritone + soprano saxophone
Mats Äleklint – trombone
Martin Küchen – alto saxophone, leader
Johan Berthling – bass
Alexander Zethson – piano
Mattias Ståhl – vibraphone
Kjell Nordeson/Andreas Werliin – drums

Martin Küchen – a Swedish saxophonist noted for his unparalleled improvisational skills, renowned as one of most intriguing improvisers in Europe. He is a saxophone virtuoso, a brave and unapologetically uncompromising artist equally versed in free jazz diction and in syncretic avant-garde stylings. As an up-and-coming musician, he used to be a percussionist and a singer. Later on, as his career progressed, he decided to devote himself entirely to jazz and improvisation. Eager to push himself artistically, he busked in the Stockholm underground and on city streets, and spent a few weeks in Africa, collaborating extensively with local musicians. All these diverse artistic experiences have contributed significantly to his portfolio, shaping his original style. Respected for his work with a number of outstanding jazz ensembles, Küchen is also a composer, creating theatre music and sound installations.

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