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Cinema in the Old Theatre: The Great Dictator (1940)

Cinema in the Old Theatre: The Great Dictator (1940)
Start date 2014-06-30
Start time 18:00
Kategoria Film

„Dyktator” (“The Great Dictator”)

USA 1940 / running time: 124' / Certificate: 12
Original audio with Polish subtitles

Direction and screenplay: Charles Chaplin
starring: Charles Chaplin, Jack Oakie, Reginald Gardiner, Henry Daniell, Billy Gilbert, Grace Hayle, Carter DeHaven, Paulette Goddard.
The main feature will be preceded by a short-length film.
Upon its release, Charlie Chaplin’s 1940 anti-war manifesto was criticized as it was interpreted as an appeal to arms. Back then, anti-fascist opposition was not instantly regarded as American top priority. “The Great Dictator” was Chaplin’s first sound film (a talking picture, as it was called in the 1940s), which with time became a cult classic mainly because of its powerful satire against totalitarianism. The official premiere of the film took place in Germany, Italy and Spain a few decades after its creation.
Tickets: standard 10 PLN, concession 8 PLN

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