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Meeting with Talia De Vries

Meeting with Talia De Vries
Start date 2014-11-09
Start time 16:00
Kategoria Event

The sixth iteration of the Maat Festival is called “Israel Now!” It is also the first ever Polish Platform for Art Residencies: it features artists-in-residence, namely, dancers working closely with the world of multimedia in an experimental space of presentation called Idea Zone. This year, we will meet in our signature place – The White Cube – where we will embrace Israel and its artists who will take control over the space of the Maat Festival. There are seven artists-in-residence this year (Daphna Horenczyk, Lilach Livne, Andrea Costanzo Martini, Adi Weinberg, Michael Getman, Talia De Vries and Piotr Trojan), all of whom primarily focus on the changes that the human body undergoes – on its evolution and the process of change.

Free admission

Talia De Vries – dancer, graduate of CDNC d’Angers. At present, apart from solo work, she collaborates with Ensemble Musica Nova, Israeli experimental music band; she is also involved in a research project at the Weizmann Institute (the dance-research project is led by a former member of Batsheva Dance Company - Shahar Binyamini). “Solo”, which will premiere at the Maat Festival in December 2014, is her second solo piece inspired by the literary output of Marguerite Duras.

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