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Commemoration of Lublin as the place where the Union of Lublin was signed

In December 2015, a mural depicting an armorial bearing with a doubled coat of arms of Poland and Lithuanian Pahonia appeared on the peak wall of one of the blocks of flats at ul. Hutnicza street. According to its author, Rafał Roskowiński, a Gdańsk artist and co-founder of Gdańsk School of Mural, it is not only to commemorate Lublin as the place where the Union was signed, but also to remind us of the importance and values of this extremely significant moment in the history of Poland. Moreover, the mural was created as a PhD project of the painter whom we asked a couple of questions.

Municipal Conservator’s Office: Where did the idea of the Union of Lublin-related mural come from?
Rafał Roskowiński: I wanted a Lublin mural, a mural that would be deeply rooted in the history of Poland and the city. The Union of Lublin seemed appropriate and not very controversial. It is to remind us that we have nothing to be ashamed of and that we were once a mighty nation before whom Prussian and Moscow princes were kneeling down.
MCO: What are the mural dimensions and what are the paints and other materials that were used to create the mural?
RR: It is 15 metres high and 11 metres wide. I used Polish paint Primacol.
MCO: In your opinion, what is the project sustainability, provided there is no interference with its appearance?
RR: At least 30 years.
MCO: What was the cooperation with local residents like? Did you manage to arouse their interest in the mural’s subject? Did they have any knowledge about the depicted event?
RR: They were effectively informed about the event. My “Tatars” [the block of flat on which the mural was created is located in the “Tatary” district – MCO] turned out to be really interested in history. Our cooperation in painting sports clubs’ emblems was a huge success. I think they are all proud of the mural in their district.

For more information, please see this very interesting review of the mural-PhD project:

Review of Rafał Roskowiński’s PhD project – download (in Polish)

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