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14. Open City Lublin 2022

14. Open City Lublin 2022

Open City Festival of Art in the Public Space "Formation" 2022 will be held on October 1-31 in Lublin.

The idea behind the Festival is to approach urban space symbolically and fill it with artistic production. Art is exposed both to the transient emotions of passers-by and to the changing weather conditions. Artists are usually made to follow ideological programmes imposed by monument founders. The intention is to understand the city as an open possibility.

During the Open City Festival, the artists are to create. Within the historical context and contemporary problems of urban space, art is both a commentary and yet another chapter in the history of the city. An added value of the festival is the full presentation of artistic output published as a catalogue of contemporary art and permanent outdoor projects.

Robert Kuśmirowski, curator of the Open City Festival 2022, together with an invited group of artists look at the city space – the ordinary and the imaginary, the Euclidean and the phantasmagoric, the intimate and the universal. This year’s edition of the festival reveals a city in search of form, in the process, whose senses have become detached from reality and a radical reconstruction is needed. It touches upon a city searching for a new self-awareness, yearning for a new story. Robert Kuśmirowski invites you to taste the city filled with art, to walk along the paths of a rebuilt imagination.

Feel invited!

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