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A joint message from Eurocities local officials

A joint message from Eurocities local officials

Unity with Ukraine, peace, freedom, democracy, justice, human rights, diversity and trust. These are some of the keywords repeated in a Eurocities video with Mayors and City Representatives defining what the European Union means to them. Local leaders are sending their message on Europe Day marking what seemed inconceivable less than a century ago: a union of European states working together for a more prosperous, peaceful, and just future for all. Lublin was represented by Krzysztof Stanowski - Head of International Cooperation Centre of the Lublin City Hall.

Introduced in 1964, Europe Day is held on 9 May each year to celebrate "peace and unity in Europe". The date marks the anniversary of the Schuman Declaration, a new form of political cooperation in Europe that would pave the way for the European Economic Community and subsequently the EU.

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