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ALPHABET in Saski Garden

ALPHABET in Saski Garden

The ALFABET Festival of Literature and Children's Development will start with a Fairy Tale Parade on Children's Day. Its second edition centers on "B" letter and refers to the work of Jan Brzechwa and manifestation of rebellion. The event will be held from June, 1 to 4 in the Saski Garden.

This year, the agenda will include activities related to work and life of Jan Brzechwa. The stimulus comes from his poems, mainly those about animals, prose represented primarily by the character of Mr. Kleks, as well as books on rebellion and its role in our lives. On Saturday (June 1), the Fairy Tale Parade will move from Litewski Square to the Saski Garden. The participants will play characters known from Brzechwa's work. The Festival will also be an opportunity to meet with authors of books. In addition to literary meetings and concerts, various types of workshops will embrace a lot of space and attention. Some of them will be oriented towards entire families, others for children and adults only.

The Organiser is "Grodzka Gate - NN Theatre" Centre (House of Words) in partnership with the Beetle Audiovisual Culture Foundation and with the support of the City of Lublin. The event is a part of its efforts to win the title of European Capital of Culture 2029. The detailed agenda of the ALFABET Literature and Children's Development Festival is available on the website of the Brama Grodzka Teatr NN Centre.

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