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BE-EVERYTHING BE-LONG photo exhibition in Lublin

BE-EVERYTHING BE-LONG photo exhibition in Lublin

Feel invited to the opening of BE-EVERYTHING BE-LONG photo exhibition to be held on February 16, at 5 p.m. in Baobab (Krakowskie Przedmieście 39b street). It will run through one week.

The exhibition is the result of workshop work, during which young people talked, through photos, about themselves, their experience and their identity. The exhibition will also introduce the youth policy statement that was created in October at the First European Youth Summit in Lublin.

The project, the campaign and the local actions of awareness-raising are being carried out in the 16 Cities & 6 Countries of NET-IDEA (Italy, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Germany & Poland). BE-EVERYTHING BE-LONG is a Communication and Awareness Raising Campaign of the NET-IDEA project - Network of Cities for Interculturalism, Diversity, Equality and Anti-Discrimination, financed by the European Commission under the CERV Program and coordinated by ICEI.

City of Lublin is the official partner of NET-IDEA.

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