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Carnaval Sztukmistrzów - The Polish Incident in September in Lublin

Carnaval Sztukmistrzów - The Polish Incident in September in Lublin

In a few days, we are starting Carnaval Sztukmistrzów (17-20 September) featuring Urban Highline Festival with artists walking on lines. We will see them in the Old Town and the city centre .

Carnaval Sztukmistrzów is a time of both grand and crazy spectacles at the interface of the theatre and the New Circus. The city fills with street performers and circus masters from all over the world putting on their magical and breathtaking shows. The Carnaval coincides with Urban Highline: the oldest and the largest highline festival in the world. The festival of walking on lines is thought as evoking the element of the city’s identity – embedded in the iconic figure of the Magician of Lublin created by the Noble Prize winner Isaac Bashevis Singer – combined with an emerging discipline of slackline.

Unfortunately, due to the worldwide pandemic situation few changes have been introduced.

Further information is availabe on the website of Carnaval.

You are all invited to Lublin!

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