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Direction East - Lublin invites you to an export conference

Direction East - Lublin invites you to an export conference

Current international marketing trends, perspective export directions, as well as available support tools for Lublin companies are some of the main issues of the upcoming "Direction East" conference. It will initiate a series of pro-export data and business-related events as part of the local programme "Export Support Platform Lublin", coordinated by the City of Lublin. Participation in the conference is free of charge. However, prior registration is required due to the limited number of places.

The conference "Towards the East. Current trends and attractive directions of foreign expansion against the geopolitical instability" can be attended by both more experienced entrepreneurs and those who just start turning to export. They will have an opportunity to learn about the programmes and free services of the Polish system supporting foreign expansion - institutions and companies from the Polish Development Fund Group. During the planned panel discussion, entrepreneurs and experts will assess current opportunities on the Ukrainian market through the experience of Polish companies that have been present there for decades.
Conference "Towards the East. Current trends and attractive directions of foreign expansion against the geopolitical instability" will be held on June 5 (Wednesday) at the Lublin Conference Centre at Grottgera 2, street. The full agenda and registration form are available on

The event Partners are: Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH), Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (BGK), PFR Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych S.A., Export Credit Insurance Corporation (KUKE), Industrial Development Agency (ARP). Honorary Patronage: Ministry of Development and Technology.

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