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GT-ADI-INT members on intercultural integration meet online

GT-ADI-INT members on intercultural integration meet online

The Working Group on Intercultural Integration (GT-ADI-INT) holds its first meeting online on September, 29-30. The main Organiser is Council of Europe based in Strasbourg.

Making migrant integration work, enabling societies to prosper with diversity and build resilience to ethnic and religious conflict and violence are major challenges of our time. A recent study has proved that intercultural integration policies help receiving societies to trust immigrants and see the benefits of immigration, leading to a better quality of life in varied cities.

The steering committee working at on Intercultural Integration (GT-ADI-INT) is composed of main representatives of 10 member states with specialised knowledge in intercultural integration and diversity management as well as representatives of 10 local authorities that are full members of the Intercultural Cities Programme. This congregation, which combines the know-how of local, national and international actors will be a crucial element for the accomplishment of its objectives.
Krzysztof Stanowski, Director of the International Cooperation Centre representated the city of Lublin during the online meeting. 

The Intercultural cities programme supports cities in reviewing their policies through an intercultural lens and developing comprehensive intercultural strategies to help them manage diversity positively and realise the diversity advantage. The programme proposes a set of analytical and practical tools to help local stakeholders through the various stages of the process.
Lublin has been the only Polish city - a member of The Council of Europe’s Intercultural Cities Programme (ICC) since 2008. Polish cooperation with the Programme has resulted in joint enterprises (including projects "Lublin for All" and "Communication for Integration") as well as ongoing participation in the area of building a shared system for managing cultural diversity in urban policies.

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